PenCT Help -- Phantom

Introduction -> Phantom -> System Geometry -> Spectrum -> Simulation Parameters -> Other Information

Triangle Mesh Button: This button should be checked if you are going to use a triangle mesh phantom. Make sure that you include the "" file in the directory of your penEasy simulation.

Volume Button: This button should be checked if you are going to use a voxelized volume phantom. If this option is chosen, a different default template will be used and you must choose the location of the phantom.

Vox File: This is the location of the voxelized phantom that you wish to perform the tomosynthesis simulation on. This is only available if you have clicked the "Volume" button. The phantom must be in the penEasy *.vox file format. Unlike the template file sections at the bottom of this tab, you cannot type this location in. You MUST click the "Browse..." button to find the phantom. penCT will then automatically open the file and determine the size of the phantom.


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