PenVT Help -- Ouput Files

Introduction -> Output Files -> Phantom -> System Geometry -> Spectrum -> Simulation Parameters -> Other Information

The primary task of penVT is to generate files that can be used as input files for penEasy. Every penEasy simulation needs an input file, and a single simulation corresponds to a single x-ray projection. Therefore, penVT must create one input file for each projection in the tomosynthesis as well as a geometry file for the system. penVT also generates some helper files to facilitate the use of penEasy. When the "Generate Files" button is pressed, these files will be created:

  • One geometry file (*.geo) for each phantom (see the Phantom page for more information). The geometry file describes the size of the phantom and detector to penEasy.
  • One input file (*.in) for each projection. This will be given to penEasy to run a single x-ray simulation and includes all of the necessary parameters.
  • One gnuplot script (*.gpl) for each projection. PenEasy outputs the image data in its own file format. Passing these scripts into gnuplot will produce a log-scaled PNG image from the data.
  • One command file (*.cmd). This file looks similar to a shell script. It contains the program name and arguments that sould be passed for each simulation.

Output Directory: All of the output files will be written to this directory. You can type in the desired directory or click the "Browse" button to search for the directory.

File Prefix: Every generated file will begin with this prefix. After the prefix will be numbers for each projection and the filetype. For a single phantom simulation, the file names will be as follows:

  • [File Prefix].[Projection #].in (e.g.
  • [File Prefix].[Projection #].gpl
  • [File Prefix].geo
  • [File Prefix].cmd
For multiple phantom simulations, the file names are as follows:
  • [File Prefix].[Phantom #].[Projection #].in (e.g.
  • [File Prefix].[Phantom #].[Projection #].gpl
  • [File Prefix].[Phantom #].geo
  • [File Prefix].cmd

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